$47.00 USD

The Power of Overwhelming Gratitude

Part 2 of DragonflyYOU's Signature Series is offered first as it has the potential to create the biggest impact. 

"If I can only ever share one thing with women who are struggling, and never get the chance to cross their path again, this is it." ~ Alexandra Stacey

What you'll get:

  • Immediate access to the 70-minute video presentation: Part 2: The Power of Overwhelming Gratitude
  • Free access to our New YOU's Membership Group
  • Early access to future publications, offers, and opportunities to participate in the creation of future offerings. 

Welcome to DragonflyYOU.
Welcome to the birth of a whole new you.

We hate spam as much as you do. We will never share or sell your contact information. 

What People Are Saying:

"'A Road To Joy' was definitely the most impactful, emotional, and inspirational read of my life."

Cathy Simon (from ARoadToJoy.com/reviews)

"Giving thanks and gratitude to Alexandra Stacey for writing her story. It is incredible, and I haven't been able to stop telling people about it. ... "... the way the story resonated with me, helped and healed me, how it's made such a positive impact, and how sharing this story I can spread all of that good stuff to more people."

Cat O'Donnell (from ARoadToJoy.com/reviews)

"It [A Road To Joy] was a real eye opener about losing someone. Thank you for opening up to everyone."

BonZi (from ARoadToJoy.com/reviews