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Finding New People After the Death of a Spouse Apr 14, 2023

It happens more than anyone likes to admit. 

When we lose a spouse to death, within a few weeks/months, we realize that we've lost all of their people, too.

Friends and family who were all there for us through the initial shock, have had to - or in most cases, were relieved to - return to...

Widowhood is the #1 Stressor Apr 07, 2023

The Holmes and Rahe Stress Scale lists death of a spouse as the highest adult stressor we face in life. The list includes life events such as divorce, incarceration, retirement, and forty other life-changing experiences and rates them as to their perceived contribution to ill...

Alexandra Stacey's 'A Road To Joy' - The Emotional Rollercoaster You Need! Mar 20, 2023

As a widowed mother of five teenagers, Canadian writer Alexandra Stacey was struggling with grief, anger, and fear. Learning to navigate her way back into the world of the living meant finding a way to create a whole new life: a life filled with strength, purpose, and hope.

A tall order.

Part of...